How to Keep Birds Away from Your Pool

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Birds are often attracted to swimming pools, spas and other water features in a backyard. The main concern with bird pests is the diseases they carry, especially those found in their droppings. Bird droppings are also very slippery when wet, which can create dangerous slip-and-fall hazards for children and even adults. While birds can be shooed away with the blast from a water hose or by banging pots and pans together, birds will invariably return when you leave.

If you have a bird problem around your pool, there are a number of things you can do to discourage pest birds from roosting and nesting near the immediate area. The first is to remove any plants that produce edible nuts, fruits and berries. You should also remove any bird feeders. And keep trees and large shrubs tightly trimmed, removing any branches that hang close to your pool. After you’ve taken these preliminary steps, you should invest in a professional bird deterrent. Here are some bird control devices the experts recommend:

Scarecrows Blast Bird Pests Away

Using a harmless blast of water to scare birds from your pool, Bird-B-Gone’s Scarecrow acts like a reliable 24/7 sentry. Any bird that enters this device’s area of protection will be showered with a “wake-up” water blast, alarming sprinkler sound, and Scarecrow’s realistic looking bird-like head. Easy to set up and use, Scarecrows connect directly to your garden hose. And each blast consumes just 2 to 3 cups of water. Scarecrows cover about 1,200 square feet with a spray that reaches out 35 feet and 45 feet wide (enough for most pools). Scarecrows are powered by a single 9-volt battery for up to 6 months, delivering over 1,000 "firings." The device’s sensitivity and coverage distance are easily fine-tuned to fit your pool’s shape and surroundings. Incidentally, kids and dogs love to play with these devices.

Sonic Bird Deterrents Scare Birds from Pools
While firecrackers and noisemakers may temporarily scare birds away, the more scientific (and long-term effective) approach is to intimidate birds with the sounds they dread to hear—their natural predators (like hawks and falcons). That’s where Bird-B-Gone’s Solar Bird Chase Super Sonic comes in. It broadcasts distress and predator calls birds know all too well. And they will seek the safety of someone else’s yard rather than stick around yours. The threatening birdcalls are repeated every ten minutes. The sounds emitted by Bird Chase device resemble natural birdcalls so they won’t bother your pets or neighbors. And unlike ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency sounds birds can’t hear, the Bird Chase system creates sounds well within the hearing range of birds. Each Bird Chase device comes with a built-in speaker that will cover up to an acre.

Herons Eat $200 Koi from Homeowner’s Pond

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A Brockton, Massachusetts homeowner was recently stunned to discover a great blue heron hulking over her Koi pond. The large, long-billed bird was sizing up its prey, ready to strike. One of her neighbors said that the heron had raided 10 of his fish. The birds often invade backyard ponds during the warmer months looking for a quick meal, a meal that cost pond owners upwards of $200 each. The pond owner decided to build a PVC cover with chicken wire to protect her investment from the winged culprits, which stand over 4 feet tall, with an imposing 6-foot wingspan. Ornithologists note that herons often attack Koi ponds, even in urban areas.

Herons area skilled and patient hunters, stalking their prey slowly through the water, then remaining motionless until a fish swims by. A quick stab with its sharp bill and the Koi is history.

Initial steps to protect costly Koi from becoming a Heron meal include adding floating vegetation and underwater structures for fish to hide under, and to provide enough water depth for the pond. Of course, the best way to keep fish safe form herons and cranes is to bird-proof the pond. Here’s what the bird control experts at Bird-B-Gone recommend:
Pond Defender™
A plastic disc that floats just below the water’s surface, Bird-B-Gone’s Pond Defender™ provides a safe haven for fish, protecting them against herons and cranes. The Pond Defender installs in a snap and consists of 12 interlocking plastic discs to create an aesthetic geometric shape, one that effectively blocks out fish predators. The discs virtually disappear below the water’s surface and fit easily into any shape pond. Installation is easy using the supplied clips, and discs can be arranged to fit most ponds or water gardens.  For best results, use two rows of Pond Defender discs to prevent large birds from reaching into the pond and attacking your fish. The discs can be easily removed for cleaning. The Pond Defender is built to last and made of a UV- protected plastic (polypropylene) that will permit your plants to grow through its geometric openings.
Bird Scare Visual Deterrents

Easy to use and install, Bird Scare Visual Deterrents create an “Optical Distraction Zone” that keeps birds away from ponds and other water features. Choose reflective foils that crackle in the breeze, shiny tape banners that crinkle in the wind, or balloons with huge predator eyes that bob and weave. These deterrents can easily be attached to fence posts, tree limbs, patio covers or any elevated area. Balloons can also be partially filled with water and allowed to skim the surface of your pond to keep pest birds away. Visual Deterrents like these are designed to make pest birds feel threatened and uncomfortable. You'll need to move these deterrents around from time to time to keep birds from getting used to them.

For additional advice on how to keep pest birds away from your pond or water feature, consult an expert like the folks at Bird-B-Gone.

Bird Control to Keep Birds Off Rooftop Patios and Terraces

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A rooftop patio or terrace can be a great place to relax and throw parties. You may have decorative outdoor furniture and plants throughout these areas. One problem with rooftop patios and terraces is the birds they draw. Birds often use these areas for roosting and nesting. Fail to implement effective bird control to keep birds off these rooftop areas and you’ll have to constantly clean the area and possibly make repairs.

Bird droppings can quickly cover your furniture, chairs and plants, necessitating constant cleanups. Even outdoor chairs, chaise lounges and umbrellas can become permanently damaged by the acidic nature of bird droppings. Portable gas heaters can  become covered with bird droppings and, if not cleaned, can emit a terrible stench once turned on. Bird droppings can also create dangerous slip-and-fall hazards for you and your guests. Even if birds do no significant damage, the unsightly appearance and smell of this refuse can ruin the appearance of your terrace, patio or balcony. Keep in mind too, that bird droppings can carry any of 60 known diseases.

The solution, of course, is to install effective bird control measures now—before the birds arrive.  Here are a few bird deterrents the pros recommend:

Bird•B•Gone Sonic Shield™

This ingenious device scares birds and other critters away from yards, patios, decks, balconies and terraces using sound and light. It’s easily installed just about anywhere and runs on 4 AA batteries. The device has two modes of operation: daytime mode to repel birds using loud eagle sounds (a predator for most birds and a nighttime mode that uses only flashing LED lights for areas where night noises are not allowed.

Red Tail Hawks

A skilled and deadly predator, Red tail hawks are feared by most birds. Which is why Hawk Decoys can be so effective in bird control. These decorative decoys are easily placed around your patio, terrace or balcony. The best hawk decoys are made of heavy duty plastic and will stay realistic looking season after season. Place them in high visibility areas and re-position them from time to time. The decoy may be a dummy, birds are not.

Sonic Deterrents

Birds are always alert to threatening sounds. Which is why Sonic Bird Deterrents are so effective in keeping birds off patios, terraces and balconies. These devices emit pre-recorded distress and predator calls that birds instantly regard as a threat. If your patio, terrace or balcony is being invaded by various species of birds, consider getting the Bird Chase Super Sonic. It emits distress and predator calls for 22 different species of birds.

Visual Bird Deterrents

Easy to hang just about anywhere, Visual Bird Deterrents include Flash Tape and Reflective Banners, which reflect sunlight and rattle in the wind, and Scare Eye Diverters and Bird Scare Balloons adorned with large predator eyes to frighten birds. The important thing to remember about Visual Bird Deterrents is to move them around from time to time.

4 Easy Ways to Keep Birds Away From Your Garage

Get rid of Pigeons, Get rid of pigeons with pigeon control products that work.

Many homeowners have problems with birds around the outside of their garage. That’s because, if a garage is not attached to the home, you won’t hear birds pecking and nesting on rooftop areas, or even the gutters of a garage. 

Bird droppings, debris and other nesting materials can accumulate to do long-term damage to the roof and other areas of your garage.  Unless you deter them with effective bird control devices, birds will eventually consider your garage a safe haven and gather in increasing numbers.  Keep in mind that it costs just as much to repair a garage  roof as it does the roof on your home. And cleaning bird nests and debris out of rain gutters around your garage is no less of a chore than it is for gutters that surround your home

Fortunately, there are a number of humane and effective bird deterrents that you can use to keep birds away from your garage. Here's what the pros recommend.

They’ll slip ‘n slid on Bird Slope

Easy to install, Bird Slope consists of slippery PVC panels that won't allow birds to get a solid footing under the eaves of your garage.  After a few frantic tires to land or perch, birds give up and move on to your neighbor’s garage. The best bird slope panels are UV protected and sun- and weather-resistant to last longer--a good idea if you live in a severe weather area. Bird slope works against all types of birds--swallows, starlings, pigeons, etc. The panels blend in with most architectural styles and even come in two colors--stone and grey.

They can’t penetrate Garden Bird Netting

Drape this lightweight, easy-to-handle mesh along the sides of your garage and forget about pest birds. Garden Bird Netting comes in 14 x 100-foot and 14 x 200-foot rolls and is easily cut to the size you need. It comes in three "mesh" sizes--1/4", 1/2" and 3/4". Use the bird netting clips that the manufacturer recommends to streamline installation. The best netting is made from durable, UV-protected polypropylene.

Copper Stuf-Fit Mesh—for small holes

If your garage has lots of little crevices,  holes and nooks where birds can settle in, Copper Stuf-Fit mesh is what you need. The mesh comes in 20-foot and 100-foot roles and can be easily “formed” into the shape you need to block out even the most determined bird. This handy mesh is also ideal for keeping birds from working their way  under roofing tiles, retractable awnings, and where pipes enter siding or foundations.

No Nasty Nest—for Swallows

If you’ve got swallow nests covering the sides of your garage,  you need No Nasty Nest. This hanging "twine" bird deterrent makes it a real chore for birds to gain access to nesting sites. Installation is a snap. Each strip of No Nasty Nest features a self-adhesive back for fast installation on eaves, entryways and other elevated exterior areas of your garage.

How To Keep Birds Away From Your Pool


by Alex A. Kecskes

If you have pest birds hanging around your pool, you know the problems they cause. They leave droppings everywhere, which means frequent (and expensive) pool cleanings and constant hosing down of walkways, railings and steps. If you live in Southern California, ducks can be a big problem around pools. So can pigeons and grackles.

Sometimes birds clean out their nests and drop their waste in and around a pool. They often do this to avoid drawing predators to their nests. Black birds will sometimes spit in a pool. Some homeowners have resorted to poisons and BB guns. Not a good idea if you have pets or kids around (it’s also illegal to kill or harm certain birds). Others have taken to placing rubber snakes around the pool. These can be initially traumatizing to small children, and some pets have a tendency to chew and eat them. There are effective bird control devices you can use that will keep pest birds away from your pool without risking danger to people, kids, birds or pets. They include:

Bird Sonics. Mounted under eaves, patio covers or gazebos, these bird repellent devices can keep pest birds away from your pool or spa. Bird sonics emit predator and distress calls that birds instinctively fee from. They work on a bird's natural fear of predators, as well as their acutely sensitive hearing (birds can process sounds in 1/200th of a second; humans process sounds in 1/20th of a second).

Sonic bird deterrents work well against pigeons, crows, starlings, swallows, gulls, woodpeckers, sparrows, grackles, cormorants and many other species. One commercially available sonic system blasts the sound of Peregrine falcons (a pigeon's dreaded enemy) defending their territory. Another system targets starlings and seagulls, emitting the sounds of predator hawk screeching and gulls under attack. The best sonic systems will regularly alter the pitch, frequency, timing and intensity of their sounds. This keeps pest birds from getting used to repetitive sounds. One popular system can emit distress and predator calls for as many as 22 types of birds. The calls are repeated once every fifteen minutes. Sonic bird deterrents are not harmful to birds, pets or humans. The sounds they emit merely resemble normal bird sounds.

Visual Scare Deterrents. These include Bird Scare Balloons, flash tape and twine. The balloons feature large predator eyes that make birds really nervous. Scare Bird Diverters use the same principle. They feature a giant predator eye and can be hung under eaves to frighten birds. To keep birds, geese and ducks away from pools, fill bird scare balloons one-fourth full of water, and the rest with air. The balloons will float around the pool with predator eyes and shiny reflective surfaces constantly in motion to keep birds away.

When using visual scare devices, it’s important to move them around occasionally to prevent swallows from getting used to them.

Scarecrows. Any pest birds that approach this device’s radius of protection get hit with a stunning but harmless blast of water. The sudden water blast, alarming sprinkler sound and realistic looking bird-like moving head "persuade" birds to stay away. Scarecrows are simple to set up and easy to use. They connect to almost any garden hose, yet they consume just 2 to 3 cups of water per spray. Scarecrows cover approximately 1,200 square feet with a stream that reaches out 35 feet and 45 feet wide. They work day and night for up to 6 months and deliver over 1,000 "firings" on a single 9-volt battery. For added versatility, scarecrows can be easily fine tuned to adjust both their sensitivity and coverage distance. Incidentally, kids and dogs love to play with these devices.

Mini Scarecrow. For smaller applications, say to keep pest birds away from walkways, pool steps, diving boards or railings, there's the Mini Scarecrow. It uses compressed air and sound to scatter pest birds and "convince" them to avoid the area. Like its big brother, the Mini comes to life the second a pest bird gets within 3 to 4 feet of its sensor. Unlike its larger brother, the Mini hits birds with a squeal and a harmless blast of air. You can easily adjust Mini's angle of detection and spray angle to zero in on trouble spots. Each can holds over 200 sprays.